New name for Kibworth Grammar School Hall

Below is the new logo and the new name for Kibworth Grammar School Hall, which reflects the joint working between the Parish Councils, the library and the hall and combines the logos and aspirations of all three organisations.

The next step is to change the signage for the hall and also on the signpost on the High Street leading to School Road. As this might take some time and as we want to avoid confusion, for the time being, we will be known as Kibworth Community Hub, at The Grammar School Hall.

We are aware that there will be many people who will be sad that we are no longer called Kibworth Grammar School Hall, but we feel that it is time that we reflect the work and activities that the Hub does and wants to do in the future. It hopefully also reduces the calls from parents who frequently mix us up with the Kibworth Mead Academy and Kelly will no longer receive messages about young Johnny who is too sick to go to school today.

The trustees of the library and the hall and the Parish Councillors are aware of the time that it is taking to properly get the project off the ground and are as frustrated as everybody else; unfortunately these things do take time. However, we have appointed a fundraiser who will help us for our bid for funds and our application for Section 106 monies will be heard at the end of September. We have high hope that this will be successful and that we will finally be able to see some action.

Date for the diary

On Saturday 28 October, there will be an ABBA night at the Hub / Hall, this will take the form of a showing of the film Mama Mia, an ABBA quiz and also prizes for the best ABBA lookalikes, as well as a licensed bar. Tickets will be available from the hall soon and we look forward to a hall full of Dancing Queens, Chiquittas and Fernanados all looking to meet their Waterloo.

Martyn Wyburn