Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The parish council’s monthly meetings during the summer were held on 1 June and 3 August in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall with the annual walkabout on 6 Jul

Dr Feltham reported on some antisocial behaviour on Millday Close and this was reported to the HDC Community Safety Partnership.  Councillors agreed to investigate in person on 6 July. A tree had its bark completely removed around the trunk but appeared healthy. The ‘No Ball Games’ notice installed by the parish on the wall of  No. 4 was still in place.

He also reported that the Vehicle Activated speed signs had been installed by the Ground Person on Main Street and Albert Street. Once the software has been received from the suppliers, the traffic data can be downloaded for analysis.

A meeting held by local councillors with Network Rail and the MP on 16 June resulted in an agreement for a temporary footbridge to be constructed next to the School Road bridge which includes the B1 public right of way.

Joint Recreation Board

The zipwires have been re-tensioned and load-carrying posts checked as some shrinkage in the hot weather had been noted. All the play areas, including the MUGA and zip wire, will have their annual safety inspections over the summer.

An s106 application has been submitted to HDC to replace the play tower and wet pour surfacing on Jubilee Green, and it has been closed off.

The contract passing the Polwell Road play area over to the parish from HDC is still awaited.  The wooden fencing will need some remedial work or replacement.

Joint Burial Board 

The s106 application for a new cremation section has been approved.  The quotes for the external painting of the Lychgate have now been approved.  Quotes for building the garage/workshop will now be actioned so that an s106 application can be submitted.

Village Hall Two more successful film nights were held over the summer and three more monthly film nights for the autumn are planned. The notice boards on the outside of the hall are being replaced.

Grammar School Hall/Community Hub

The Steering Group discussed additional fundraising and the s106 application is due to be decided by the HDC grants committee on 27 September.  Part of the School Road car park is currently being used as a compound by Network Rail.

Police and Crime.

Cllr Matthews reported that a new Chief Executive for the OPCC has been appointed. The first 250 extra police officers for the area have now completed training.

Finances & Administration

Several policies that had been updated were approved. All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and shared costs with KBPC were approved.  The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) has been approved by the external auditor.

Councillor Reports

Several benches for the Queen’s Walk on Smeeton Road are being stored in a councillor’s garage.

Clerk’s Report.

The Wistow Road roundabout was prepared by the parish contractor for sowing wildflowers by a volunteer but the weather was too dry in June.

The next two public meetings are on 7 September (Thursday) and 4 October (Wednesday) in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall and will be reported in due course.

Our 7 pm monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?

Please visit our website for more information about us

If you would like to get involved and let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.

Sara Barrett (