Summer at the Kibworth Benefice Churches

St. Wilfrids Kibworth

Join us this summer for services to suit everyone, from traditional communion to family-friendly.

Our popular ‘9.30 Express will be in action at St Wilfrid’s on 2 July, 6 August and 3 September; you can expect lots of fun and worship for young, old and everyone in between! Breakfast follows afterwards in the hall so why not give it a try? For more details contact Eunice Hayes on 07500 047290.

We continue to live-stream our weekly 10.30am services at St Wilfrid’s, find them on YouTube at ‘St Wilfrid’s Media’. For our full schedule of services at Kibworth, Saddington and Smeeton Westerby please visit:

Our Bereavement and Loss Support group meets monthly at the Church Hall. This has quickly become established as a wonderful, friendly space to share both tears and laughter. Meetings will continue over the summer, please contact the Church Office for details 0116 279 6577.

Lunchstop has finished for the summer. Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you again in September. Keep an eye on St Wilfrid’s website for dates. More helpers are very welcome! If you are interested in getting involved please do get in touch via the Church Office:

Thank you to everyone who attended the Kibworth Brass Band Summer Concert on 17 June, it was a real pleasure to host this concert again. Huge thanks to all the musicians and organisers.

And finally – have you spotted our new sign? This was manufactured by JW Signs of Market Harborough and installed at the end of May. Doesn’t it look amazing?

Joy Hill