Kilby WI – Jun ’23

The WI

May was quite a busy month for Kilby WI.

We began with our Coronation afternoon tea complete with bunting and flags to celebrate the big event. It was an afternoon thoroughly enjoyed by all our members. Our guest speaker for the month was Dr Sue Ablett talking about her ‘Voyage of a Lifetime’ to Antarctica. Although she took this Expedition Cruise in 2014 it was obvious from her recall and enthusiasm that the journey had truly been one of a lifetime.

Departing from Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego the first stop was the Falkland Islands. Dr Ablett’s reminiscences were illustrated by wonderful photographs highlighting the abundance of wildlife, especially penguins, and the stunning scenery.

Next was a visit to South Georgia which was a particular highlight with its links to Ernest Shackleton. To land on all these islands required transferring to small Zodiac boats, not always the easiest of tasks! To preserve the biodiversity of the islands it was necessary to disinfect their boots and hoover all clothing and backpacks to prevent any transfer of seeds etc. 

Travelling as far south as the increasing amount of ice would allow they reached the Antarctic Peninsula before returning to Ushuaia through Drake Crossing, described as ‘the stormiest stretch of water in the world’. Fortunately, on this occasion it did not live up to its reputation and was like a millpond!

It was a very informative and interesting talk.

Towards the end of the month our Spring coach trip was to Spalding with a visit to Springfields on the way. Good weather, good company and some good shopping made for a lovely day out! 

Maggie Smith