Illston-on-the-Hill WI – Jun ’23

The last meeting of Illston-on-the-Hill WI included the annual resolutions. This year there was only one resolution which was, ‘Clean rivers for people and wildlife’. There was a lively discussion on this subject and of course we were all in favour of huge improvements to both rivers and seas. However it was generally felt that the water companies must take a massive amount of responsibility for polluting our waters and ultimately the decisions (and fines) must be instigated by the Government. Obviously, whatever pressure can be brought to bear by the WI is more than welcome.

After the business we were then entertained by our own Shirley Sturgess who talked about a trip she arranged to Italy for what she thought was about 20 people, final number 52. There were dramas and antics every day. Some of the party got lost, some fell ill, the drivers went off for lunch one day when unbeknown to them two ladies were scrabbling on the coach floor looking for a ring. It was a very warm day, and just like pets, ladies should not be left in a hot vehicle! They were rescued! Shirley really does have a way of putting over a story and we laughed until we cried. She is an absolute natural and amazingly takes everything in her stride, whereas many of us would be in panic mode from day one! Still trying to become her agent for a best seller!!

Delicious refreshments were provided. During coffee time the wonderful Coronation events were discussed, as was the Eurovision Song Contest. Are we suddenly becoming a happier nation? What a wonderful couple of weeks to raise the spirits of all.

Jane Shute