Sustainable Harborough

Sustainable Harborough Community

Climate Crisis – Good News Stories

There are many reasons why we should be worried about the climate crisis we face. However, thankfully, there are still good news stories about saving wildlife and reducing our carbon footprints.

Saving Wildlife

One of those stories is the RSPB and farmers working to save rare Stone-curlews. The curlews come from southern Spain and North Africa in spring, to nest and raise their young in grassland. Their numbers were in great decline but are now increasing. This is thanks to the RSPB and farmers restoring and protecting suitable nesting sites across southern England and East Anglia.

Solar Panels in the Swiss Alps

Another fascinating story is about solar panels on the highest dam in the Swiss Alps. The Lake Muttsee Dam is not only a reservoir and hydroelectric generator, but also produces solar energy through 5000 solar panels. More solar energy reaches solar panels that also work better at higher, colder altitudes than lower ones. It is easier to keep the electronics cooler, and there is more reflected light from the snow and glaciers. Switzerland intends to install more than 4,200 additional solar projects. The Swiss Government are making it easier to get finance and building permits and plan to phase out nuclear power by 2030. Wow! Lucky people.

Carbon Capture

Scientists are also trying to find cheaper ways to capture carbon. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that simply reducing emissions was no longer enough. We have to remove CO2 from the atmosphere using carbon capture and storage technologies. Scientists in America have created a new and cheaper system that efficiently captures CO2 before it can reach the atmosphere.

There’s more information on carbon capture at:

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Sustainable Future

Lastly, what would 2030 look like if our Government and we had protected 30% of the land and sea? Sustainable agriculture, wild areas, clean seas and rivers, and green spaces in towns, cities and villages.

I can almost smell the fresh air and hear the birds singing joyfully! The BBC Radio 4 programme, Inside Science, explores the idea further. You can hear it on BBC Sounds at or in our wonderful community library.

Enjoy the dream!

Julie Fagan, volunteer, Sustainable Harborough Community and Eco Church