Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The Parish Council’s monthly public meeting on 2nd March was held in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.
Voting & ID
Cllr Feltham reminded the Council that a Photo ID will be required when voting in person on 4 May. This also applies to the Kibworths’ Neighbourhood Plan Referendum vote on the same day.
No precise date had been given for re-opening the Kibworth tip, but it is likely to be before the end of the month. This facility is now open.
The Speed Indicator Signs for Main Street and Albert Street are awaiting a post that is being fitted on 21 March. The order can be placed once the grant has arrived. Council approved the inclusion of a data option of £300 per sign. Cllr Feltham and the Clerk had met with two members of the Community Speed Watch team to risk-assess the three agreed locations ready for 22 April start. A training date is to be arranged for 12 volunteers.
Due mainly to falling passenger numbers, a review of all 26 subsidised county bus routes, including the Centrebus 44, is being carried out over the next year.
Joint Recreation Board
The double Zip Wire has been installed but is temporarily closed until a safety inspection has been completed by The Play Inspection Company.
It was resolved to let the Kibworth Rounders’ Team mark out and use a pitch on Warwick Park for their league matches.
Visits by Tower Slide suppliers for Jubilee Green are being arranged.
The Rookery Pond project has progressed with the addition of boulders edging the pond. The dirty water now needs to be replaced with fresh water and plants added. Considerable help has been provided by the Powerlines Group with the delivery of building materials.
Grammar School Hall/Community Hub
The Hub Steering Group meeting was chaired by Cllr Feltham on 15 February. The application for National Lottery funding is to be considered in mid-March.
Parish Office
It was agreed for an additional £200 for the kitchen fitting and building works to be shared with KBPC.
It was agreed to adopt the new model Code of Conduct and to sign up for the Civility and Respect Pledge. It was also agreed to new Social Media information for the Parish website and to adopt a Communications Policy.
Finances & Administration
All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries and shared costs with KBPC were approved.
Approval was given for the increased share of the revised costs for extending the CCTV system into Warwick Park.
Councillor Reports
A tree along the pathway between Braymish Close and New Road is rotten. The Clerk will ask Greenbelt to investigate.
The streetlight on New Road has been repaired.
Clerk’s Report
The wildflower planting on the Wistow Road small roundabout is due to take place later in March. Volunteers are being sought to help with preparing the site before sowing the seeds.
The Clerk has been chasing HDC for a response to the two s106 applications for the cemetery.
Several posters and notices from the public have been stuck on the wooden fence adjacent to the tin bridge. The clerk will investigate the cost of a notice board as this location is clearly being used by the public.
Next Meetings – Why Not Come Along
The next public meetings are on 6 April and 3 May in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall and will be reported in due course.
Our 7 pm monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our Councillors and see what we do?
Please visit our website for more information about us
If you would like to get involved and let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett