Kibworth & District u3a

Kibworth & District u3a logo

Kibworth and District u3a is an organisation that that facilitates interest groups and social events for people that are no longer in full-time work.

We have some 30 of these groups, examples of which include:

  • Landscape and Architecture
  • Dancing
  • Tennis
  • Wine Tasting
  • Art.

Currently, some of these groups are full with waiting lists.

But there is space for people in:

  • Bridge
  • Spanish Language
  • Pétanque
  • Photography
  • Walking
  • Table Tennis.

Pictured above is a happy band of ‘Strollers’ enjoying the University of Leicester Botanic Garden.

Future Events

Further Information

Take a look at our Website for full details. If you are interested to join but you are passionate about an activity that is not represented or is full, then, if it is within our remit, we will gladly support you to establish it.

Our website is or ring the Chairman, Chris Bradburn Tel:01162793678.

Michael Rodber