European Photography Studio of the Year

Photography studio

Winning European Photography Studio of the Year is a significant achievement for any photography business. It recognises excellence in a highly competitive industry. This highly commended accolade was awarded to a local studio based in Kibworth – Stu Williamson Photography

International Elite 100 who awarded this title said:

the competition is tough, with many talented photographers vying for the title. To win European Photography Studio of the Year, a photographer must demonstrate exceptional talent in all areas. They must have a unique style that is instantly recognisable and captures the essence of their subject. They should also demonstrate an understanding of their clients’ needs and be able to create a personal and meaningful experience that leaves them feeling satisfied and fulfilled

The award is also an acknowledgment of the photographer’s dedication to their craft. The winner must demonstrate a passion for photography and a willingness to continually improve their skills. They must be committed to staying up to date with the latest trends and techniques, experimenting with new styles and approaches, and always pushing the boundaries of their art.

Stu said:

Photography is an art form that has evolved over the years, and with the rise of digital photography, it has become more accessible to everyone. However, to stand out in the crowd, a photographer needs to have a unique vision, technical skills, and a dedication to their craft. Winning European Photography Studio of the Year is a testament to these qualities

You can see Stu’s work on his website and Facebook/Instagram @stuwilliamson_commercial @stuwilliamson_portraits

Call 0116 279 1103 to make a booking