Duggie’s Ramblings – April 2023

Duggie's Ramblings

Some time ago, when I was at secondary school, I heard a boy (it was a boys only school) give a friendly shout ‘titch’. I was at the time below average build, and I thought it was me being called; it wasn’t. I hid my disappointment, exasperated by the knowledge that the boy being called was a bully to be avoided. The boy calling was one of his cronies.

From that time on and before, I have been called by my Christian name and ‘other’ names. The caller’s voice was familiar and welcome (usually), particularly chance meetings. An unexpected greeting in a pub in Newport, Pembrokeshire from a student friend I had not seen for 13 years. Only last Sunday I recalled past occasions when I heard and read the name ‘Mary’ called, immediately she knew who was calling – a friend – and she responded in kind to renew the friendship which had been unexpectedly cut short in excruciating circumstance three days earlier.

I recall, names and nicknames from schooldays (Spud, he had a face like a potato; Tizer – he had no neck!). Now I think about it, it is my wife of many years who uses a wide variety of names, not all complimentary. I avoid uncomplimentary names in reply. Perhaps men are thicker skinned.

Policy of Hope

Over a few weeks, outside the Kibworth Co-op there was a young woman selling the magazine The Big Issue – a good read. One article recently caught my attention. In Colombia the police have seized from criminal gangs 28,991 weapons ranging from rocket launchers to revolvers. The steel in the weapons will be reused in the construction of low-income housing – a policy of Hope.

In our country, Hope is exhausted in many private rented properties where the energy efficiency is below C level. Nineteen million homes are identified as needing upgrading due to draughts and damp.

We – our family – the weather fine – had a rewarding and worthwhile visit one Saturday morning recently to the Farm Bridge 67 in Smeeton open to visitors. The stock and flock in their pens and with food and drink for the adults and kids (human). It was an enjoyable informative experience.

Many restaurants ask for a name with the order and then call the name, the response tells them where to go. This customer gave the name, ‘The Lord be with you’. When the waiter, carrying the order, naively called out ‘The Lord be with you’, the response came back from many ‘and also with you’!