Ilston-on-the-Hill WI – March ’23

The WI

Sometime ago, before Covid, we invited our Group WI (High Leicestershire) to a ‘taste and try’ evening. The first time we did this, we made or bought starters for everyone to try. The second time we selected sweets/puddings. These were both real successes, but our group secretary, Glenice, then asked when we were having the main course. Some people are ever hopeful!!

However due to the success of these events, we decided to do the same – savoury only – at our own meeting in February. Everyone brought something, along with the recipe where appropriate. We had a magnificent banquet just as you would expect from the WI. Most of us ate rather too much, but everything was so appetising we couldn’t resist. It was a great evening, loved by everyone as we could sit and eat and chat and have a thoroughly entertaining evening. We were also delighted to welcome several new members.

After our fashion show on 9 March we will be entertained to the ‘Life of a Tiller Girl’ in April.

Jane Shute