Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

January’s Meeting
The first monthly public meeting of 2023 was held on 5 January in the Studio at Kibworth Grammar School Hall.
Councillors were pleased to approve the request for co-option from Kirsty Stanfield. This takes the Parish Council back to six members.
Cancellations and Unreliability of X3 Buses
Cllr. Feltham reported on a recent meeting he had had with Neil O’Brien MP, CCllr Phil King, CCllr Barry Champion, DCllr Simon Whelband and a Regional Director of Arriva. The large number of driver vacancies had been the principal cause of the problems. Now that a further cohort of drivers has been trained, the timetable issues have reduced.
May Elections
In advance of the elections on 4 May, Beauchamp Parish Councillors have been writing short articles about themselves for the Chronicle. It was suggested Harcourt Parish Councillors might like to do the same.
Neighbourhood Plan
The Referendum for the Kibworths to approve the updated Neighbourhood Plan is likely to also be on 4 May.
Joint Recreation Board
The Rookery Pond remains a work in progress while arrangements to deliver the additional thirteen tons of hardcore and mill waste are sorted. The double zip wire is due to be installed in mid-February in Warwick Park.
Joint Burial Board
The Parish Council gave approval to the increased cemetery fees. The next Board meeting is on 19 January.
Village Hall
Film night resumes on 28 January with ‘Operation Mincemeat’.
Grammar School Hall/Community Hub
Next Trustees meeting 18 January and next Hub Steering Group meeting is 15 February.
Police & Crime
Cllr Matthews said a review was being held into the East Leicester trouble last year, with a report due by the end of January. The Police Budget is being presented to the Police & Crime Panel on 2 February.
22/02047/TCA – Works to trees, 43B Main Street, Kibworth Harcourt. No objections.
Community Speed Watch
Councillors discussed the Community Speed Watch Scheme due to be run from 22 April to 5 May. There will be a risk assessment of the three Harcourt sites in early February and training for a minimum of 12 volunteers in late March.
Approval was given for the purchase of thirteen tons of hardcore and mill waste for the pond; £636.57 plus VAT.
All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and shared costs with KBPC were approved. It was resolved to approve the 2023 precept request of £67,477. This will mean £67.37 for a Band D household, which is an annual increase of £6.29 (10.3%).
Councillor Reports
Half of the ash tree on Braymish Close has been removed by Network Rail. The Post Box on Wistow Road is surrounded by dead leaves. The Clerk will see if the Groundsperson can clear it with the leaf blower.
Clerk’s Report
HDC has overpaid £100 of s106 money for the cemetery tarmac path and agreed it can be put towards paint for the new fencing. A tree that has fallen over the footpath leading from Braymish Close to New Road has been reported to Greenbelt, the maintenance contractor.
Parish Council Meetings
Our 7 pm monthly meetings are open to the public, so why not come along to meet all six councillors and see what we do?
The next two public meetings on 2 February and 2 March in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall will be reported in due course.
Please visit our website for more information about us,
If you would like to get involved and let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk,
Sara Barrett