Leicester and District Ramblers – December 2022

On Saturday 19 November Leicester and District Ramblers held their AGM at Newtown Linford, this occasion was all the more auspicious as several key committee members were standing down!

Most notably after 25 years at the helm Terry Bates stood down as Chairman of the Leicester Ramblers due to ill health.   Terry celebrated his 80th birthday just prior to the meeting. Running Leicester Ramblers has not been without its difficult moments, particularly at a crisis period when both the secretary and treasurer resigned, leaving Terry to fill those positions as well as his own.  After that Terry (aided by his wife Anne) managed to build up a committee of capable people who have all contributed to making the group into a successful unit with over 400 members.

The new chairman is Mike Goodrich, a retired company director who is another octogenarian.  Mike started walking in his teens, climbing Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis in the 1950s.  After his retirement Mike was worried about putting on weight so he decided to join the ramblers. He now walks over 30 miles every week, and believes that walking in a group is a very pleasant way of keeping healthy.

Alongside Terry, his wife Anne also stood down as well as other dedicated and often long serving committee members Howard Watmore, Charles De Podesta, Steve Crane, Tony Richards and Neil Hunter.

The new look committee

As Mike looks to drive Leicester and District forward to new heights the rebooted Committee is now up and running with just the identity of a new incoming secretary to take over from Charles to be confirmed. The new Committee for 2022/23 is:

Chair  –  Mike Goodrich

Vice Chair  –  Dave Wheeler

Treasurer  –  Bob Collins

Footpaths Secretary  – Richard Godbolt

Webmaster  –  Melanie Smith

Publicity Secretary  –  Dave Wheeler

Programme Secretary  –  Sally Anne Backhouse

Coach Secretary  –  Eileen Pott

Committee Members without Portfolio, John Jackson, Chris Bancroft and Tony Scarborough.

Leicester and District Ramblers
Leicester and District Ramblers

The Leicester Ramblers has a comprehensive programme of walks from 4 mile leisurely strolls, to 14 mile strenuous walks. We walk all over Leicestershire and also, particularly at weekends into spectacular countryside in locations such as The Peak District and The Cotswolds. Our programme of occasional coach rambles also head out of the county to locations which feature the same idyllic walks as well as focusing on charming old world market towns full of coffee shops and quaint shops for those who prefer a half day combined with the charms of such venues. As always new members are always welcome, contact DavidWheeler320@hotmail.com

Dave Wheeler

Publicity Secretary