Funds for the LRI Maternity Unit

The annual cake sale to raise funds for charity took place on the Centurion Place estate on Saturday 10 September. This was the third year we have held this event. It was once again very successful and well supported by the residents baking home-made goodies. 

One of our residents put out an urgent appeal for baby grows and other essential items needed at Leicester Royal Infirmary’s Maternity Unit. These are needed in circumstances where babies are put up for immediate adoption, or trafficked pregnant women are brought to the Unit by the police, or sometimes have even been dumped at the entrance. Of course these women do not bring with them the items needed when going into hospital to have a baby. Often members of staff have to go out and buy items themselves to help these women and babies.

When we heard this, we felt that the money raised from our cake sale this year should be used to purchase a supply of these items. It is astonishing to hear that in this day and age such situations occur. We are pleased to say that the cake sale raised £330.

Local residents Alan, Karen Trevor, Allison and midwife Jenny.

Our thanks go to all the residents on Centurion Place where we have a fantastic community spirit! 

Items needed for the maternity unit include the below:

  • Baby grows (newborn and slightly bigger sizes for larger babies)
  • Nappies
  • Nightdresses
  • Knickers
  • Emergency toiletries for the mums too

If anybody would like to donate items, the Foodbank at The Well have kindly agreed to accept them. Please mark them ‘LRI Maternity Unit’ and drop them in between 10 and 12am, Monday to Friday.

Allison Purkiss