Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council, June 2022
The parish council held its public annual and Parish meetings on 24 May held in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.
The annual election of officers resulted in Cllr Andrew Munro being re-elected chairman for another year. As well as Cllr Pat Copson being elected vice-chairman. Cllr Copson chaired the monthly meeting in the absence of Cllr Munro through illness.
Two members of the public commented on plans for a new house on Victoria Close, ref 22/00973/FUL (see below).
The resignation of Cllr Hooley was noted.
All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved. Following validation of the 2021/22 accounts by the internal auditor, the Annual Governance document (AGAR) was approved for submission to the external auditor.
Clerk’s report
s106 funds for a new tarmac path through Smeeton Road Rec have been approved by HDC but the quoted price has increased so further discussions are being held about covering the increased cost.
The council is happy to install a bench in memory of ‘Fred’ and will liaise with the fundraiser accordingly.
Platinum Jubilee event 5 June 2022
The Scouts and other organisations are busy planning the event, and the Scouts have also helped with a temporary flagpole for the Bank roundabout so that the Platinum Jubilee union flag could be flown.
Parish councillors objected to proposals for 22/00973/FUL (Victoria Close) because having no garage or external storage means it is not compliant with the Neighbourhood Plan policy H9.
The other plans were all supported.
There were the usual updates from county and district councils, Joint Recreation and Burial Boards and the Grammar School Hall Trustees (Kibworth Community Hub).
Neighbourhood Plan Review
Copies of the plan and questionnaires are available in the Parish Office and Market Harborough & Kibworth libraries.
Community Hub
Whilst awaiting the outcome of the planning application, advice is being sought from solicitors regarding legal implications of the development.
Joint Recreation Board
The Board is obtaining quotes for elements of the “Queens Platinum Walk” for the bid for a Jubilee Grant. Quotes are also being obtained ready for s106 applications for a trim trail, zipwire and skatepark. Funding for the tarmac path across Smeeton Road Rec has been received. Funding for the pond on Rookery Park has been approved but there are still queries about an ecology survey.
Joint Burial Board
Urgent work has been undertaken to temporarily cordon off an area near the Lychgate while a large branch that is splitting away from the trunk of the conifer can be removed.
Community engagement
Further work will be undertaken to assess whether streaming council meetings to a public online platform are realisable and financially viable. Opportunities to hold public surgeries will also be investigated.
The monthly public meeting at 7pm on 28 June in the Studio at Kibworth Grammar School Hall will be reported in due course.
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Maria Smith (