Kilby WI

Game Show Junkies with Trevor and Stephanie Mee
Do you remember the game show Bob’s Full House hosted by Bob Monkhouse? This was the first game show in which Stephanie appeared.
A very nervous Stephanie went to the studio where she greeted by a very charming Bob Monkhouse. Whilst the other contestants were tucking into a delicious spread in the Greenroom, Stephanie was pacing with butterflies in her stomach.
The TV crew were worried even if she would be able to take part. Impressively, she managed to pull herself round and appeared on the show, winning a line.
More Game Shows
After that show others followed in quick succession. Winner Takes All, the Big Break (a snooker game with Jim Davidson), Tipping Point and The Chase. Stephanie was a single mum of two and the money, along with the goods she won, helped her enormously. It was doing these shows she met Trevor. She teamed up with him as a partner for other game shows as well as a partner in life.
Together they went on Pointless and won. Thanks to Trevor, who listened to the Shipping Forecasts on the radio each morning, they managed to take home £1,500. Over the time they won enough money to pay for the wedding dress and the wedding.
The Hosts
It was interesting to hear that some hosts were extremely professional and caring. Sandi Toksvig and Ben Sheppard were such hosts. Some were not at all helpful, such as Anne Robinson, who made no attempt to put the contestants at ease.
Top Tip
If you are thinking of applying to go on a game show, make sure you check your wardrobe. Spots or stripes are not allowed!
You can still watch episodes of Bob’s Full House & the Big Break on iplayer.
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Monica Griffiths