Kibworth Theatre Company & Main Street Theatre Company

‘Allo, Allo’ – May 2022

Allo Allo in Kibworth, Kibworth Theatre company

If you happen to be in The Grammar School Hall and hear lots of laughter, it will be us rehearsing ‘Allo, Allo’. Things are now really moving on apace with sound, lighting and set starting to take shape. Director Kevin Gilbert said that he is really pleased with how things are going.

Why not book yourself some seats for this very funny and entertaining show?

Come along and see your favourite characters:

  • René, & his wife Edith
  • Yvette and Mimi
  • Herr Flick and Helga
  • Michelle
  • the Colonel, Gruber
  • Captain Bertorelli, Leclerc, & General Von Schmelling
  • the British airmen and not forgetting
  • Crabtree, the “ Good moaning” policeman.

Performance Dates

Performance dates are:

  • 13 May 2022
  • 14 May 2022
  • 19 May 2022
  • 20 May 2022
  • 21 May 2022.

Venue: Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

All performances start at 7.30pm.

Seating is in cabaret style with six on a table. There will be a bar selling drinks and snacks as well as a really good raffle with some amazing prizes.

Ticket Information

Tickets are on sale either in:

Both theatre groups are really looking forward to welcoming you along.

Janet Lord