Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The parish council held its monthly public meeting on the 3 March in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.
Cllr Feltham updated members on the outcomes of planning applications. 39 Church Road (approved) and 2 Harborough Road (withdrawn). Enforcement actions for nine Millday Close and two Harborough Road. He also updated members about the recent changes in Arriva X3 and Stagecoach X7 timetables. He confirmed that the Centrebus 44 service would be continuing. Cllr Feltham had been invited to inspect a damaged roadside verge on Albert Street. He has also asked Highways to look at installing a bollard or two to protect the verge.
Leicestershire County Council
The council tax element payable to the county will increase by 2.99%. Roads in Kibworth Harcourt and towards Tur Langton are to be closed this month for patching repairs.
Joint Recreation Board
More applications for developer contributions (s106) are being prepared. They are for a tarmac path and a trim trail in Smeeton Road Rec. And also for a zip wire and skatepark in Warwick Park.
Joint Burial Board
An application for s106 funding for a new fence is being prepared. Quotations are being obtained for a new tarmac path at the top of the Cemetery.
The Old Barn, Albert Street. Councillors could see no problems with the proposed new gate and fencing as it is mainly a county highways matter.
Community Speed Watch
Councillors confirmed that the parish is still interested in volunteers being involved in checking speeds. This is at three agreed locations, and they will inform the organisers.
Other issues
Barriers/bollards on A6. A resident has asked for support to have the highways authority look at options, such as barriers or bollards, for protecting pedestrians from passing traffic whilst walking along the A6. Councillors agreed to support a request to the county council for some protective measures.
Councillors agreed to ask the Kibworth Joint Recreation Board to agree to a name change for the small park off Larkswood in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee.
All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and shared costs with KBPC were approved.
The clerk reported that all councillors had finally been included in the bank mandate. At the owners’ request, the Christmas Tree lighting event would be on Saturday 3 December at 6.30 pm outside the Old House. Replacement trees had been planted in Jubilee Green and memory of Betty Ward on the green space off Wistow/Warwick Roads.
The parish council still has a vacancy for a councillor to be co-opted. If anybody is interested in joining the council and helping plan many improvements, please contact the Clerk to find out more. Our monthly meetings are open to the public to come along to meet councillors and see what we do.
The next public meeting is on 7 April in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.
Please visit our updated website for more information about us.
If you would like to get involved and/or let us know of any community news about coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett (