The Friends of St Wilfrid’s – Feb ’22

The Friends of St Wilfrid’s Church wanted to thank all those who supported the Jazz Night on Friday 26 November 2021. A profit of £460.67 was achieved which will go towards the refurbishment of the church clocks.

Those who keep looking up to see if the clocks have been repaired yet will see that things have come to a bit of a standstill. Wayne Francis our Clock Restorer is waiting to take receipt of some gold leaf. There is a countrywide shortage apparently. Hopefully it won’t be long before work can get underway again to complete the restoration.

The Friends next fundraising concert will be on Friday 1 April. when we shall welcome Salvo Brass who are a great brass band with a fantastic reputation for being one of the best bands in Leicestershire. They are also bringing with them some soloists. Kibworth is in for a first class evening.

Tickets are £15 each and can be purchased by phoning 07540 719298.

Thank you for your continued support.

Anne Flowers