Lack of GP Services

Dear editor

I applaud the courage of the writer of the letter in last month’s Kibworth &District Chronicle headed ‘GP Services’. 

I totally agree with the writer as regards the difficulties SLMG are having to deal with, I am also am grateful for the excellent Covid vaccination programme. However the lack of doctors’ appointments and the current system of being passed on to some paramedic who then decides if you need a doctors phonemail (if you are lucky!) or tells you to take a photograph of your problem, is utterly unacceptable. I’ve heard of so many stories of patients being asked to send photos One of these was my daughter who had an inner ear problem. How can you take a photo of that? This is not acceptable and is not the service we still pay for! I also have friends in various parts of the UK who are not experiencing the lack of doctors’ services that we are now accustomed to 

Sad to say South Leicestershire Medical Group has long been a standing joke!

Name and address withheld.