Kibworth Art Lovers Society – Feb ’22

Our first meeting since February 2020 took place in the lounge of the Grammar School Hall on Monday 24 January when 26 members of the Society enjoyed an inspiring evening.

The speaker and demonstrator was Glenn Badham, a highly acclaimed specialist in oil on canvas and point media. He spent part of his art course in Italy where he gained a lot of his inspiration and now has 25 years of professional experience including international exhibitions.

He had two canvases. The first canvas, which was white, was to be a picture of a canal bridge with the light reflecting on the water and the initial drawing was done using acrylic because it dries quickly. He then started to apply oil paint which he thinned using a mixture of linseed oil and terebene driers. This speeds up the drying process and also allows the white of the canvas to show through. Prussian blue and cadmium yellow pale were mixed to make the green shades. Shadows on the bridge were painted with an orange/red mixture. Alizarin crimson and the dark blue gave a warmth to the shadows.

The second canvas had been washed with pink acrylic and was to be a picture of dramatic clouds . These were mainly painted in yellow with some red, and with a base painted loosely in blues and greys.

Glenn didn’t have time to finish either picture but would continue to work on them later.  His presentation was greatly appreciated by all present.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 22 February when the artist, Helen Neave, will demonstrate her work based on Wildlife in its Natural Habitat. Visitors are welcome. Meanwhile Nan Whiteway’s work is on display at the Kibworth branch of the MHBS throughout February.

Jenny Riseborough