Dear Editor

Kibworth Medical Centre

Thank you for the excellent summary covering the many empty promises that were made before and during the construction of the new medical centre. I know I’m not the only one who has witnessed services and access deteriorating well before Covid hit us. 

Liquidation impacts on health service

Could you tell us how the liquidation of the company that built the facility will impact health service provision in Kibworth? Is it possible for it to deteriorate further?

Readers should be reminded that similar promises were made when a proposal to join the two surgeries in Kibworth was made and subsequently actioned. 

Given up waiting for improvements

Personally I have given up waiting for improvements. Health service provision in Kibworth has evidently suffered the same fate as public transport improvements, pedestrian safety and a new community building, all of which were promised when 300 new homes were granted planning permission a few years ago. Will any of it eventually materialise? 

Luckily I am still in good health but being under no illusion that this can change at any time, I have re-registered my family with Spectrum Health in Oadby. I know dozens of other Kibworth residents have done the same and who could blame them?

Meanwhile in Kibworth I tried to get a non-urgent appointment for my daughter over a duration of five weeks before nabbing the golden ticket: I managed to book an online appointment. 

Restore our local health service

It’s of no use having an array of treatment rooms of which barely any are staffed. It is important to restore our local health service provision to an acceptable level but that is tough without either staff or funds. 

Hollow promises

Who is ultimately responsible for this situation might be the topic for another day but I hope that those who believed the hollow promise of £350 million extra a week for NHS services ought to hold those to account that persuaded them to believe that lie. 

Stefan Richter