Harborough Woodland Community

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now.
Local woodland cover is low
South Leicestershire has the second lowest woodland cover (3-4%) in the UK. Ash dieback disease will reduce local tree cover, despite Ash being one of our most prevalent tree species. Trees reduce our carbon emissions, improve air quality, cool our communities and reduce flood risk, while creating one of the best habitats for wildlife.
By 2050 40˚C+ heatwaves are forecast and excessive rainfall events (rain bombs) are predicted as normal. As a result, rain bombs are seven times more likely than 20 years ago (Met Office.) Five weeks’ rainfall fell as rain and hail in one hour in July 2021 in Kibworth causing damage and localised flooding. Upper Welland river peak flow is predicted to increase by 26% in 2050, 53% in 2080. (arcgis.com, Gov.uk.)

Can you get involved?
Harborough Woodland Community Volunteers germinated in 2019 and since February 2020 has achieved the following:
- 4,500 trees were planted last winter including three schools;
- 10,000 trees applied for concept approved projects including three more schools for planting 2021-2022;
- initiated and running a dynamic “Greener school group” network;
- initiated three large area natural flood management (NFM) schemes to reduce local flooding by up to 15% (we need hundreds of these schemes);
- started a Little Bowden community self-help “flood hub” and national NFM Facebook group to share best practice, reporting flood risk evidence and flooding problems in five local areas to the authorities, joined Flood Warden scheme;
- active members of Welland Valley Partnership and the new Market Harborough Partnership;
- helping ten village groups from Weston by Welland to Tilton on the Hill and Broughton Astley;
- actively promoting self-help networks to achieve environmental benefits in schools, villages, farms and golf courses regionally.
Are you…
- Concerned as a member of the community who wants to take action to make a difference? Harborough Woodland need community volunteers to plant trees. Or you could help to grow a Greener Kibworth Village community group to network with the 10 other Greener village groups that Harborough Woodland are helping;
- A landowner who has land available for responsible and sustainable planting?
- Willing to donate to Harborough Woodland. Funds are needed to raise £5k so they can register as a charity. They can then obtain further funding to employ staff, set up a planned training centre and continue to expand their operation?
- A business with a conscience looking to offset their carbon impact?
Visit https://harboroughwoodland.com or email info@harboroughwoodland.com, for ways to get involved.
Bank details for donations: Barclays Bank Account name: Harborough Woodland
Sort code: 20-49-17 Account: 00379867
Suzanne Clampin