Support Local Youth Groups at the Rotary Fireworks on 6 November
Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club

We started the new Rotary Year on July 1 with Robert Easthope (left in our picture) taking over from Michael Smith as President of the Club.

Despite Covid we had a very successful year in 2020/21, raising money online through Justgiving.
The Tallest Sunflower competition raised over £2000 for LOROS and Rainbows. (Judging of the Tallest Sunflower closes on September 20th so submit your photos ASAP.)
Another substantial donation (over £3000) went to LOROS. This was following a 12 hour golf challenge in memory of Rotary club member Nick Lacey and golf club member Rod Mitchell.
Still supporting Admiral Nurses
We were fortunate in June that Our Charity Golf Day went ahead. Over £3000 was raised for Dementia UK and ‘Admiral’ Nurses for Leicestershire.
President Robert is keen to continue the theme of local Dementia support.
We will be receiving an update on local Admiral Nurses from the CEO of Dementia UK, at a club meeting, later this month.
Local Youth groups have had a tough time during this past 18 months, especially Scouts and Guides. The Rotary Club wants to support our young people. With this in mind we have decided to go ahead with the Fireworks on Saturday November 6.
As in recent years there will be a bonfire and a spectacular display of fireworks in the field opposite the top of New Road.
Advance tickets are available for Firework Display
In order to reduce congestion at the gate on the night, we encourage you to buy discounted tickets in advance at the Kibworth Post Office and the Fleckney Library.
The Rotary Club is keen to attract new members. Go to our Facebook page or website for further details;
Graham Thompson