Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council Update September 2021

Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Update, logo

Over the summer, Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council met on 22 June, 13 July and 24 August.

New Deputy Clerk

Helen Cleary, the Deputy Clerk had resigned to take up a teaching opportunity and the vacant post advertised. Following interviews, Tina Stringer from Kibworth Harcourt was appointed. She started her induction on 1 September.

Activity Day

The Activity Day on Sunday 23 May, with Fiesta Sports Coaching, was very successful. Fantastically, some 130 children took part on the day. Similarly, the Parish Council is hoping a variety of indoor activities can be arranged over the winter.

CCTV Extended

Councillors approved a budget for extension of CCTV to cover Grammar School Hall Car Park and Warwick Park Play Areas. Discussions are beginning with HDC about using s106 community funds for the changes. Importantly, essential repair and maintenance costs have been approved for both Smeeton Road Recreational and Warwick Park Play Areas.

Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Update, Warwick Road Play Area
Warwick Road Play Area

Public Consultations

The most recent draft designs for the park spaces were discussed and approved. In addition, a number of strategic priorities were agreed for when funding becomes available. The designs will be included in the public consultation event on Sunday 26 September.

Councillors also agreed the Draft Kibworth’s Neighbourhood Plan (Refresh) is to be included in the public consultation event on Sunday 26 September.

Planning Decisions

Planning decisions approved in line with the recommendations of the Planning Committee. Details are available on the noticeboard and Council website. In August, the developers came to present their plans for 10 homes at the end of St Wilfrid’s Close. These proposals were supported with some amendments by the Parish Council.

Recycling & Waste Site Upgrade

The proposed major improvements to the Kibworth Recycling & Household Waste Site were supported. Unavoidably, the tip will need to be closed for up to 10 months during the upgrade.

New Litter Bins

The Clerk in her update reported that, in response to residents’ queries, two new litter bins had been introduced. New bins installed on Cuckoo Drive and beside the steps on the northern side of the tin bridge.

Village Hall, Improved Access

In addition. councillors agreed to support the s106 application for £23,975 by the Village Hall Committee for improving disabled access and room conversion.

Local Maintenance

Steady progress has been made on a number of parish maintenance jobs by the grounds person. An agreement has been reached for cutting back overgrown hedge and dead branches from the small council area, Melbourne Close.

The muddy grass surface, side of the top tennis courts, Smeeton Road will be replaced with tarmac in early September.

Local Councillors & Vacancies

Roger Garratt and Patricia Formoy were co-opted to the Parish Council at the August meeting. Roger was a Parish Councillor for many years prior to 2019. He will also be a representative on the Joint Burial Board. This still leaves Two Councillor Vacancies as Barbara Strevens left in August.

If anybody is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the Clerk to find out more.

The monthly reports from representatives, county and district councillors are available on the noticeboard and council website.

See also:

Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council for March 2021

Upcoming Events

Discussions have started covering arrangements for major upcoming events. Firstly, Remembrance Sunday, then, onto Christmas. The Christmas Shopping Event this year will include parts of the High Street being closed on Wednesday 8 December. More details will be discussed at the September meeting.

Next Parish Council Meeting

Our next monthly public meeting will be at:

7pm on Tuesday 28 September in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

For the latest news and information, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our website

Maria Smith (