
We are coming to the end of the Rotary Year and what a year ! Robert Easthorpe will be taking over from Michael Smith as president from Thursday July 1st.

Michael can look back on a pretty successful year, all things considered. We have organised Covid-safe projects and the local community has responded very positively.Due to the generosity of local people the club has been able to support a number of local charities.
Donations to The Well
Donations from the club have been made to, ‘The Well.’ They received a fridge, as well as funds for their foodbank project.
Charity events.
Our Tallest Sunflower challenge is supporting LOROS and Rainbows. We have yet to find a winner as the sunflowers are growing now. Our Charity Golf day was staged at Kibworth Golf Club on 11 June. Amazingly we attracted 84 golfers. All keeping to their four ball teams throughout the day.
A staggering £3500 was raised for the Admiral Nurse Leicestershire Project. This project is already bearing fruit with two community Dementia Specialist Admiral Nurses in post, working out of GP practices, in the North & South of the county.
New president Robert is keen to continue the dementia support theme, as so many people living with this disease have really struggled this last twelve months, due to lockdown.

We have also helped a very inspiring group of ladies, led by Kyle Newman, ‘Leicester Musical Memory Box.’ They have really lifted the spirits of those living with Dementia locally, and those caring for them. During this last 16 months, they have arranged regular zoom meetings.