News from Smeeton Westerby
Now that the restrictions have started to ease, we are delighted to be able to open our village hall once again to the various classes that use our facilities. Over the past year, the hall has been fully decorated, both inside and out. It is now a bright, clean and attractive place for the classes to take place in.
Everybody entering the building has to agree to follow our Covid rules. We are very excited to be able to welcome back: Aerobics and Body Tone, Pilates, Yoga, Kibworth Karate, U3A sessions and the Kibworth Dance Centre. If you would like any further information about contacting the class leaders, please ring Janet Lord on 07950 409 610.

Restoration news
We have great news about the restoration of the chancel roof of Christ Church. The roof had reached the end of its life. Thanks to grants of £20,000 from Historic England, (as part of the Culture Recovery Fund), £3,000 from the Jack Patston Charitable Trust, and £1,500 from the Allchurches Trust, we have been able to appoint Pearce Roofing, a specialist firm, to do the work. The underlying woodwork has been found to be in good condition. As a result, we are re-using as many of the original tiles as possible. There will be a slightly bigger overlap than before, to give a stronger roof. There will also be new handmade tiles to match.
We have applied for a grant from The Leicestershire Historic Trust, and we have received some generous private donations.
We do need further funds. So, if you can help with this project, please contact Janet Arthur on 07840 543 288.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing the roof fully restored to its former glory very soon.
Mothering Sunday love
Although our church services have been greatly curtailed, we were able to take a posy of flowers, some homemade biscuits and a special greeting to every house in Smeeton for Mothering Sunday. These were most gratefully received. We then had an outdoor Easter Sunday service that was very well attended. It was lovely to see so many young families there too. The service, taken by Rev. Mary Ireland, ended with refreshments, and the obligatory Easter Egg Hunt!
At present we are holding a service on the first Sunday in the month, but are looking forward to opening our doors fully when we can.
Looking to the summer and beyond, we are starting to organise several social events in the village, including: Brass on the Grass on July 11th, a Barn dance on 20th August and much more. Please keep an eye out for further information.
Janet Lord