Kibworth Hall new and old wallpaper

Dear Editor

We read with fascination the letter written by Glyn Hatfield. We would like to thank him and the Chronicle for publishing such historical reference to the decoration of Kibworth Hall in 1842. It made us reflect on our current redecoration of the Hall since moving here some four years ago. The wallpapers that we have chosen actually reflect the vibrancy of design that Glyn found in the V&A, the flowers, the geometric pattern and the toile. 

We wanted to share our current wallpapers with you and a copy of the ones Glyn found in the V&A to compare.

Historic wallpaper designs
Old wallpaper designs

We are currently researching the history of Royal Visitors to the Hall, especially when it was a school, St.Mary’s, including Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. We also read that The Duke of Windsor and maybe Queen Victoria had visited in earlier years – if anyone has any stories or old photographs please could you send copies to us via the Chronicle, it would be fascinating to see, or pop them in the letter box! Thank you again and Glyn, you are more than welcome to visit. 

New Wallper designs
New Wallper designs