Kibworth Grammar School hall has been has been closed to our regular users for the majority of 2020.
Missed Groups but…
How we have all missed Pilates, Yoga, the theatre groups, U3A and WI.
But in November The Kibworth School were able to use the building for their re-sits and mock exams. What a pleasure to see the lovely old school being used for today’s students!
Possible Library Venue.
Some discussions have been taking place with the Parish Council as to the integration of the library into the Kibworth Grammar School Hall building, necessitating rebuilding and extension – Interesting times ahead.
Here’s to 2021.
January 2021 finds us still in ‘mothballs’ awaiting the decline of the virus, but with care and hope and much cleaning then life will return as normal.
The trustees and staff wish everyone a very happy and safe new year. Keep well.
Joan Fillingham
Chair of trustees