Kibworth and District U3A.
1st January 2021 | Clubs and Societies, What's On

Kibworth and District U3A will hold its annual Christmas party but, wait for, on Zoom.
Members will arrive (virtually of course) suitably party attired and raring to have fun, primed with mince pies, “drinkies’ and whatever takes their fancy.
They will be entertained by an amusing guest speaker, a mini panto, quizzes and a Christmas singalong.
We will then all raise a glass and toast to Christmas, to getting 2020 well and true behind us and to looking forward to a fab 2021(Brexit allowing).
The event takes place early afternoon 22 December. For more details check out
Do admire theChristmas pudding illustration on this month’s Kibworth Chronicle by U3A member Su Coward.
Michael Rodber.