New CCTV Cameras Welcomed in Kibworth

Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council has now installed four CCTV cameras covering the eastern end of High Street and Smeeton Road from the village centre roundabout to School Road in Kibworth Beauchamp.
The cameras will be monitored by Harborough District Council at its control centre in Market Harborough 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This will provide the same service already available in Market Harborough and Lutterworth.
It follows a decision made by the District Council last year to offer to monitor new CCTV camera systems which Town or Parish Councils install.

Councillor Michael Rickman, Harborough District Council’s community safety lead, said: “This positive initiative is breaking new ground and we’re delighted to be able to facilitate this. It’s a good example of cooperation between the District and Parish Council to improve community safety and respond to requests from local residents.”
Cllr Phil King, Leader of Harborough District Council, said: “These cameras will provide a huge boost to community safety in this area and are the result of close working between the Council and community. We are pleased that we are able to commit to monitoring these cameras on behalf of the parish.”
Councillor Kevin Feltham of Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council said: “Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council is delighted that we have been able, using s106 contributions from developments in the parish, to install the cameras following requests by parishioners to improve community safety at this end of the village.”
Simon Whelband, parish and district councillor, said: “I am delighted that CCTV has been installed in Kibworth. As both a Parish and District Councillor covering the village, it has been wonderful to see how both councils have worked together to achieve this positive result for our area.”