April Editorial

Well this is a first! A first for the Kibworth Chronicle to be published online and a first for the District Editor to be penning the editorial. So why?

It was obvious when the Coronavirus began to take hold that we could no longer ask our distributors to put themselves at risk by handling and delivering our paper to households throughout our distribution area. We were lucky to get the March issue out and it is rather sad that some of the activities advertised were cancelled, especially those in aid of charities.

Andy, our editor, and his wife Alison, both caught the virus and are still suffering its effects. We wish them well and hope that next month Andy will be writing his usual topical editorial.

Putting something like the Kibworth Chronicle online is not an easy task but the team has been efficiently lead by Jean our chairman, aided by James our wizard of a tech. They have worked really hard to get this organised. The rest of us are trying to fulfil our normal roles as best we can, as well as taking on Andy’s normal workload. Jean will explain in this issue how being online will affect you our readers and contributors.

You suddenly realise when something like the coronavirus occurs, that the decision to keep the Kibworth Chronicle a community paper produced by many layers up and proof readers is the right one. You miss and need the input from the varied personalities on Layup Sunday, the camaraderie, the chat about the articles, the shared coffee and joke and the delight in producing news past, present and to come. You need that infusion of being glad to be alive when you see and read about the life in your area.

Roslyn Ousey (District Editor)