Gumley War Memorial Bench

With help from Harborough District Council, Gumley WI and Gumley Parish Residents, we were able to purchase a War Memorial Bench. This has now been placed in front of the Gumley War Memorial, on the field opposite the cricket pitch, along the road joining Gumley with Laughton.
The Bench is a beautiful addition to our War Memorial area and enables people to take a seat, rest a while and enjoy a peaceful few moments. A wooden table has been placed in front of the bench, carved with two Flanders Poppies and the words ‘Lest We Forget’. This was made by a resident of Gumley, using the last remaining original gate post from St Helens Church, Gumley.
Local men called up to fight for their country may have walked through these gates on their way to Church, before leaving their loved ones behind. A very poignant thought.
On 9 August we held an Unveiling Ceremony, the names of the local people who fell during the wars were read out, followed by a War Poem and a minute’s silence was observed.
The area around the War Memorial is fenced with a gate at the rear. If you find yourself in Gumley, please take a walk up to the Memorial, take a seat and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Lynda Chapman