Qyan Arnachellum leaves the Well

We lose one of our key workers on 27 November. Qyan Arnachellum is leaving after 18 enjoyable months in the role of Volunteer Coordinator. The role involves recruiting, training and developing existing and new volunteers to work in the charity’s shop and café.

Qyan has very much enjoyed being a part of the work of this fine, Christian charity. He has helped us to provide a community hub for the people of Kibworth and surrounding villages where people can feel welcome, appreciated and cared for. It is fantastic to be involved in an organisation which shows God’s love and compassion to all. We will help no matter what may be happening in their lives.

Sadly, due to Covid-19 the funding has ceased to be available to pay for his post. Covid-19 has had a major financial impact on The Well and many other organisations are suffering a similar fate.

“The Well is in excellent hands under the direction of Emma, the Centre Manager. I wish her and the volunteers all the very best as they continue this vitally important work. God bless you all.
