Kibworth & Smeeton WI – June 2022

Kibworth & Smeeton WI

Every May, WI’s discuss a shortlist of resolutions before the national AGM in June, when we reach a final decision. We then send the chosen resolutions to the Government to request action. This year, the Kibworth & Smeeton WI only put one resolution forward. Women and Girls with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD Under-Identified, Under-Diagnosed, Misdiagnosed and Under-Supported. Two committee members explained to members that in the past, only boys were considered to have these conditions, whereas in fact girls also have them in various forms. Members were able to discuss and ask questions before a vote, which passed the resolution. We then send a delegate to the AGM. If it is also passed at national level a full campaign will be developed to improve awareness and diagnosis, and to explore ways of supporting women and girls. 

The serious business concluded, we had a ‘blind tasting’ of cheese, chocolate wafers, shortbread and crisps. Brands remained secret until after members had cast their votes. The results were interesting and everyone enjoyed this social activity.

Beginning in January, many members were busily using their designing, knitting, crocheting and sewing skills to create our colourful tribute to the Queen with our Platinum Jubilee display in the library garden. Enjoyed by young and not-so-young alike, with children seen playing with the food items and our cute corgis! Our thanks go to all at the library for their help and support, as always. They ensured that a photograph of the Queen and her afternoon tea appeared on the BBC’s local evening news on June 6! 

We will hear the ‘Confessions of a Country Vicar’ with Reverend Canon Alan Haydock on July 14 at 7.30 in the Grammar School Hall. Visitors and new members are welcome.

Pat Sharman