Snowdrop Challenge

Market Harborough based children and families’ charity, Home-Start South Leicestershire, launched their annual Snowdrop Appeal this month. The appeal aims to lift spirits and raise hope, using the snowdrop as a metaphor to represent challenges faced by families during the long winter months. The strength and resilience shown by this humble flower, leads to growth and positive change under the most adverse of conditions. The idea is simple: Photograph snowdrops whilst out and about and send to or via www.facebook/homestartsl to display on the charity’s social media channels. Each photo is entered into a prize draw, and the winner will be picked at random on Saturday 1 March. This year’s prizes have been donated by Palmer’s Garden Centre, Langton Greenhouse and Garden Centre and Lamport Hall. The fundraising target is £1000, with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable families, experiencing extreme financial hardship.
Donations to the appeal are welcomed, and can be made via
More information about the charity can be found at
Reg. Charity No: 1107504
Company No: 5299096