Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The monthly parish council meeting was held on 3 December at 7 pm in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.
A resident objected to the accuracy of the November minutes which councillors had approved. He was unable to explain any reason as he had left the previous meeting before the specific item was discussed.
Cllr Feltham attended an online briefing about the July 2021 hailstorm and flooding in the Kibworth’s, which included both schools. Severn Trent and Anglian Water have worked with the county council on measures to ease future problems.
The county council are working with Age UK to support pensioners making claims for Pension Credit.
Members are being briefed on the new Local Plan on 18 December and when the public consultation will begin.
Joint Recreation Board
Three quotes are being obtained for 2025/26 grass cutting for all the parks.
Joint Burial Board
The grounds team are now qualified to test the stability of gravestones in the cemetery. The next meeting will be on 15 January.
Village Hall
The film at 7.30 pm on 7 December is “Wonka” and on 11 January will be “One Love” (Bob Marley life story).
Kibworth Allotments
Members intend applying for s106 funds to install better fencing. The parish council clerk has written to Merton College to request permission.
Grammar School Hall/Community Hub
Following Martyn Wyburn’s resignation, David Walker-Smith is now chairman of the KGSH Trustees. A financial recovery plan has been drawn up and new trustees appointed. Building work is now due to be completed by the end of January.
Police & Crime
Cllr Rani Mahal has resigned as deputy Police & Crime Commissioner due to district council work.
24/01423/FUL The Parish Council resolved to support the demolition of 6 The City and replacement with a new self-build house, garage and sufficient parking.
MVAS on Main and Albert Streets
These have been extremely disappointing with battery and other problems and after taking advice, it was agreed to purchase solar panels to charge the batteries. Once working correctly, vehicle speed data can be collected.
Joint Board’s Expenditure
It was resolved to approve Tom Sexton’s quote to clear out weeds and introduce wildflowers in the natural burial area at the cemetery (£2,990).
£1m HDC Community Grant Fund
An application to replace the wooden fencing around the Polwell Park play area will be sent in the new year. An application by The Well for £10,585.81 needs more details before the parish can consider it.
Finances & Administration
All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved. Following the joint meeting, it was agreed for the 66:34 (joint parks and cemetery) and 50:50 (office, van, grounds team) splits for KB and KH costs. A draft budget was discussed and can be finalized at the January meeting.
Clerk’s report. VE Day and VJ Day 80 – councillors agreed to support a commemoration of these anniversaries. A notification has been received that the defibrillator at Boboli’s may have been used so the clerk would check the pads etc.
Next Public Meetings
The next two public meetings are on 7 January and 4 February in the Studio at Kibworth Community Hub at 7 pm.
Our monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?
Please visit our website for more information about us at
If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Parish Council.
Sara Barrett (