Kibworth Firefighter Richie

This month, we’re meeting Richie, an experienced member of the Kibworth crew. After four years as an on-call firefighter and another two in a fulltime role, Rich is now a competent firefighter, qualified driver, and also capable of ‘acting up’ at incidents. This means that he can take charge at an incident if no other officers are available. With a diverse skill set and a positive attitude, Rich is a key member of the Kibworth crew. Read on to discover what inspired Rich to become an on-call firefighter and hear his advice for anyone interested in joining the on-call team.
Hi Rich, thank you for speaking with us and providing us with a glimpse into the life of a firefighter. We’ll begin with a few general questions before diving into what motivated you to join the Kibworth on call team.
Firstly, how long have you lived in Kibworth and what do you like most about the area?
I have lived in Kibworth for four years. I moved to Kibworth from a city as I wanted to live in a village and enjoy life at a slower pace. Kibworth was close to where I was working at the time and seemed to have everything I needed close to hand.
How long have you been part of the On Call Crew at Kibworth fire station?
I have been an on call fire fighter for four years. Two years ago I became a whole-time firefighter too. This means I work my shifts at my whole station. Then, when I’m off duty, I’m free to provide cover at the on-call station. I found the experience I gained working as an on-call firefighter really helped me with my application to become a whole-time firefighter.
What was your motivation for becoming an On Call Firefighter?
When I moved to the village, I already had already made enquiries about becoming an on-call fire fighter. The opportunity to join the on-call crew was actually one of the main things that attracted me to the village. Previously, I was an on-call fire fighter with Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue service. I wanted to continue in this role as it enabled me to continue my personal development and learn new skills. The other staff at Kibworth station have always been extremely supportive with this.
What do you enjoy most about the job?
I enjoy challenging myself, learning new skills and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I also enjoy being able to help the local community where I live.
What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in the role?
Being an on-call firefighter is a big commitment and trying to balance your work and home life as well as providing cover for the on-call is a challenge. Another factor is that, as an operational firefighter, we are required to keep up to date with both the theoretical and practical elements of our training.
Do you have any advice to offer someone that is interested in becoming a Firefighter?
While being an on-call firefighter is an extremely rewarding role, it is also a big commitment. You must ensure that you have full support from those close to you prior to committing. In order to complete your training you will be required to attend a lot of training courses within the first year. My best advice would be to speak to someone who is already working in the on-call section to gain more insight and find out if it could work for you.
As a result of Richie’s skills and dedication, the Kibworth appliance is now available even more regularly than before. This level of commitment is exactly what we look for in our on-call crew. If you live locally and feel you could do the same, please get in touch as we are always looking for more team members to join the crew.
Joe Rollestone: Watch Manager – Central Station – Green Watch
Watch Manager – Kibworth On Call Part Time Instructor – Specialist Training