The Beauchamp Magazine
Reading Roger Garratt’s essay on Kibworth Beauchamp Grammar School’s incredible history in recent issues of the Chronicle has led to 10 years of The Beauchamp Magazine being handed over which make interesting reading.

Two sets exist – the first for the years 1959-60 to 1962-63 and called The Beauchamp Magazine and carrying the school’s two lion emblem on the cover. (Also seen on Kibworth Cricket Club and on the wall in the main hall at Kibworth Community Hub).
The second series, simply called Beauchamp Magazine has a styled drawing of new buildings which upon inspection is from the new Oadby Beauchamp premises when the school opened on 8 September 1964.

The editorial for the final first series magazine reads –
This year marks the end of five centuries of Kibworth Beauchamp Grammar School in its present buildings. No doubt when we leave these historic surroundings for the palatial conditions of Oadby, we shall encounter not merely radical changes but surprises.
In recent years the school has enjoyed increased academic success and the abilities of the present younger members of the school promise a bright future on all planes.
Ours is a school so imbued with tradition that we can be sure that the spirit which has kept it alive through difficulties in the past will raise it to even greater heights in the future.
I am sure the Kibworth Community Hub when it is complete will include some reference to the former history of the premises. I think the main hall should still be called Kibworth Grammar School Hall and the current lounge to be called the Harcourt Room. Whilst perhaps the library should be called Kibworth Community Library in the Beauchamp Room.