Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council – October 2024

The parish council’s monthly public meetings were held on 27 August and 24 September 2024 in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.
Monthly Meeting – 27th August
All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved. The external auditor has requested further information about the annual accounts.
The chairman introduced the new joint parish Media and Communications officer, Robyn Morley. A private meeting has been arranged with the leader and Chief Executive of HDC open to all councillors for 6pm on 3 September.
Clerk’s Report
We are still waiting for the survey report from Network Rail about the water collecting on the School Road bridge. The six Telraam traffic sensors have arrived and advice from the insurers is awaited before distributing them to volunteers. Canvas are organising the skatepark opening event.
Resolved to approve provide decorative bases for the sun dial and plaque on Queen’s Walk in Smeeton Road Park. Also resolved to share with KHPC the cost of hedging around the wildflower area on Warwick Park and for two backless benches and a bin for the skatepark.
Resolved to share with KHPC the cost of both grounds team members to attend a gravestone testing course for the cemetery.
UK Shared Prosperity Funding
The roundabout lamps and base have been painted. The High Street Christmas trees and lights will be installed on Thursday 28 November by a contractor.
Kibworth Community Hub
The s106 funds have now been received. Contracts have been signed but still awaiting the contract with MJE although a letter of intent has been.
£1m Community Grant Fund
HDC have confirmed £70K fund to be shared between the two Kibworth parish councils who will now review priorities. The Kibworth Scouts have requested support for £20-30k towards a new outdoor area they now own near the railway bridge and councillors asked for further details for the next meeting.
Monthly meeting on 24 September
The external accountants have concluded their audit of the AGAR 2023/24 and the points raised will be followed for AGAR 24/25. All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved including the annual insurance cover.
A summary of the 3 September meeting with HDC leader and Chief Exec was given and included parking enforcement, improving relationships with HDC officers, Open Space policy changes and the new Local Plan.
Clerk’s Report
Most devices are now with host volunteers and agreements signed. Data is now being collected and will be analysed once all six are active. CCTV maintenance costs have increased and a visit by two councillors and the parish manager to the control room is being arranged. A new drainage scheme to resolve the School Road bridge puddle is due to be implemented from 14 October.
LCC Report
No single organization is responsible for flooding although LCC is the Lead Local Flooding Authority and reports can be addressed to
Joint Recreation
The zipwire has been badly damaged and caused by a disregard for safely using the equipment.
Joint Burial
A meeting has been held with a fundraiser to find a grant to fund a workshop/garage so the Lychgate can be returned to normal use.
£1m grant offer for parish councils. Ideas for the £70k grant to be shared by two Kibworth parish councils were discussed and approved in principle although some quotations were still needed for some. The requests from the Village Hall were also supported in principle. The request from Kibworth Scouts was also supported in principle. As the total for all requested exceeds the £70k, it was agreed to hold a meeting to discuss priorities and check whether any could be met by other grants.
Kibworth Community Hub
Building work is well underway and contracts all signed. Smeeton Westerby have donated £5k towards the project.
The next monthly public meetings are at 7pm on 22 October and 26 November and will be reported in due course.
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Maria Smith