Kibworth Community Library – September 2024

“She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree-trunks, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe” – CS Lewis, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
We are so pleased that the door to the library has finally been replaced and is now looking very smart. It may not be the gateway to Narnia but they say that books are magical because they are like doors that open on exciting new worlds – and libraries are where those magical worlds are found.
A new class started this week. The Joy of Knitting began on Wednesday 18 September and will run for five weeks, longer if it proves to be popular. Future dates are Wednesdays 2 October, 16 October, 30 October, and 20 November, from 10.30am to 12.00pm. Only £2.50. Just turn up with a pair of size 4mm needles. The first lesson will be simple squares to start you off, then you can move on to more complex patterns. Maybe something cosy for winter? Don’t worry if you’ve missed the first class, you can join in at any time you want to. Our friendly tutors will be able to start you off. Knitting has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve emotional well-being. It’s also lots of fun!
If you’re worried about winter and heating costs then please come along to a talk in the library on Thursday 26 September from 11.30am. Nikita Short from Leicestershire County Council’s Warm Home Team will be providing information for you to keep your house warm. Her talk will include advice on grants, debt, heating and water controls, draughtproofing and government support eligibility. The talk is free to attend but please let us know if you are coming so that we can get enough biscuits in.
We have our October Book Sale on Saturday 12 October from 10am till 12pm. As usual, great quality donated books at fantastic prices, don’t miss it.
Julie Harrison