The Well

And so, the summer is upon us, meteorologically speaking at least!
As some of you may know, there is a Youth Café held at The Well on Tuesday evenings during term-time. The sessions are open to young people of secondary school age and are completely FREE to attend. It’s a safe space for young people to spend time with friends and make new ones, get involved with social activities or maybe do some homework or revision. The sessions are delivered by one of our partners, HCYC, who support between 250 and 300 young people every year.
As with many charities, sourcing funding is a continuous challenge for HCYC. That’s why we’re delighted to be able to provide a grant to them of over £2,000. So that they can continue to deliver the Youth Café sessions at The Well into 2025.
Kay Hillier, Youth Project Coordinator from HCYC said:
“The Youth Café offers a lovely safe environment for young people to have fun, be with their friends and make new ones, take part in craft activities, cook, play games and talk about what concerns them. This is a lovely all-inclusive mixed group that has grown quickly and is well attended”.
HCYC also has a Mentoring Project. Any young people (or someone close to them) that think a mentor might be helpful with something they are concerned about or just need some support with, please do not hesitate to contact me. Mentoring can be arranged at times and places to suit the young person.”
To find out more about the Youth Café, contact Kay directly on Tel:07704 614 154 or

‘Well’ Tote Bags
Available from our Pre-Loved Clothes Shop now are ‘Well’ tote bags, priced at just £2 each, or FREE if you spend £20 in the shop in a single transaction.
Buying one helps to support our work in the community and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a tote bag?!
Over the summer we’re running a little competition (there’s no prize though, it’s just for fun!) to see who can get a picture of themselves sporting their Well tote bag in the furthest location from Kibworth! Bonus points (pretend ones, of course) to anyone that is also able to get a picture in an unusual setting. Post your snap to Facebook and tag us @WellKibworth and/or Instagram @thewellkib and include the hashtag #thewellkibworthtotebag.
Pop into our shop to pick up your tote bag soon and good luck!
Reminder: our Thursday drop-in advice sessions will continue throughout the summer and our food bank will be operating if you need our support.
We’d like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you in our Café and shop soon.
Andy Wright
Operations Manager