Letter – Stream Bank Collapse – Don Monro

Collapsed stream bank in Birdie Close, Kibworth, Leicestershire

Dear Editor

Stream Bank Collapse, Birdie Close, Kibworth

Although emails were sent some months ago to various authorities highlighting the bank collapse along the stream opposite our house, no repair or remedial work has been undertaken and the bank has collapsed further and is now practically blocking stream.

The pathetic hazard tape erected has proven to be inadequate and local and not so local children have ripped the tape off to allow them to play on the collapsed bank and jump over the stream. This is now a very hazardous situation.

I hope this email expedites some urgent action from the authorities concerned both to repair/remediate the bank collapse and in the interim, properly and thoroughly erect safety fencing to prevent access and the potential for extreme accidents.

I do not want a child knocking on our door asking us to help save their friend or call the emergency services.

Don Munro