Kibworth Mead Academy June 24

The summer term has been as busy and productive as ever at KMA. Our Year 11 have impressed us with their positive attitude and determination throughout the exam season, which is now coming to an end.
Farewell and good luck!
We will shortly say an emotional farewell to them at the Prom, held at Shearsby Bath, and look forward to celebrating their successes on GCSE results day.
Students lower down the school have also continued to impress us. Our Year 10 sports leaders have displayed superb leadership skills in running sports events in several local primary schools including St Cuthbert’s in Great Glen, and Knighton Mead in Leicester. Inspired by positive feedback from the events, they have since been running lunchtime activities for their younger peers back at KMA.
Year 9 students have been taking part in practice Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, and return to school at the end of each day muddy and exhausted but happy, having had memorable experiences and tested their character.
Our major sporting event this half-term has been the annual area athletics event hosted at Saffron Lane Athletics. Over 100 students represented our school. They proved to be exemplary ambassadors, upholding our school’s core values with consistency throughout the day.
Thanks to our parents
The overwhelming support from parents, who filled the stands with cheers, added to the vibrant atmosphere of the occasion.
In the lead-up to the event, students devoted significant time and effort during PE lessons and extracurricular activities. Their dedication paid off and was evident in the numerous exceptional individual and team performances. It was thrilling to witness over 30 of our students secure top-three placements in various events, showcasing their remarkable talent and unwavering determination.
We are really proud that 18 of these students have qualified for the county athletics finals at Loughborough University and wish them the best of luck.
The summer term also heralds all the end of term events and awards ceremonies for all those students who uphold our values. Overall this year nearly 300,000 reward points have been issued to our young people for working hard, being kind and being proud, with Year 8 in the lead with a record-breaking 66,000 points.
All of these reward points translate to bronze, silver and gold awards events each term. In addition, two students, Jay K and Pharrell J, have been shortlisted for the finals of the TMET(The Mead EducationalTrust) awards taking place later this month.
Finally, we look forward to handing out trophies at our annual awards evening on Tuesday 9th July, where we will present our prestigious honours boards awards.
Dr Thompson, Vice Principal