Kibworth Community Library – June ’24

“I think that when you can escape into a book it trains your imagination to think big”
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is one of the world’s best-selling singer-songwriters. She credits beginning to write on all the books she loved to read as a child.
Escaping into a novel powers the imagination. Reading allows you to be transported to another world, leaving behind your worries, and giving you some respite from today’s troubles.
How do you get children to start, and fall in love with, reading? To begin with, it’s good if you read so that they learn to mirror your behaviour. Make reading fun, not a chore, by reading as a family and don’t just restrict it to bedtime. Of course, getting them their own library card is a great idea. They can borrow up to 12 books at a time for free!
If you have toddlers, our Story and Rhyme Time every Tuesday from 10.15-10.45am is a lovely way to get them joining in with picture books and singing along to songs.
Summer Reading Challenge
For older children, aged four to eleven, signing up to the Summer Reading Challenge is a very good way to keep them reading throughout the summer holidays. The Summer Reading Challenge is produced by The Reading Agency and is delivered in partnership with libraries.
This year’s challenge begins on Saturday 6 July and runs till Saturday 7 September. The theme is Marvellous Makers and lets children explore their creative side. Bring them to the library to sign up and collect their Marvellous Makers collector’s foldout poster.
They read books and collect stickers and other rewards (watch out for the smelly stickers…). They add stickers to their poster to complete the Challenge. Remember, they can read ANYTHING they like. It could be a book, comic or magazine, eBook or audiobook – they all count!
Our Book Sales continue over the summer and are on 13 July, 10 August and 14 September – don’t miss them!
Wishing you all a lovely, (hopefully) sunny summer.
Julie Harrison
Opening Hours:
- Monday 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm
- Tuesday 10am – 1pm
- Wednesday 2-5pm
- Thursday 9-11am
- Friday 9am-1pm and 2-5pm
- Saturday 10am-1pm