Duggie’s ramblings – June 2024

Retirement? Not yet, months, years, even decades! Some time ago a colleague passed by on his way home after a day at work. If I was within hearing distance he would say ‘that is another day nearer retirement’. To continue the story he was somewhat eccentric, writing steamy novels in his lunch break which were never published; also he was an amateur wrestler! Some time later I met a former working colleague and asked the inevitable question – he had finally retired.
Recently, a man about to retire had been offered many tips from fellow workers not yet retired. This was the advice he received – get a dog, plant a tree, get a tattoo, go on a cruise, get out of Leicester, keep busy and so no everything! He did none of these things but turned off his alarm on the first day of retirement, but still woke up at the same time as when he worked: no time to lie in bed pondering those former colleagues wending their way to work!
Politicians will be throwing numbers at each other – they hope to get golden numbers. I don’t know who originally said these words – statistics. Damn’ statistics and lies’. It is very difficult in this jungle of numbers to verify what is the truth and what is not.
Groundhog Day is Candlemas in the USA and Canada, but what is it in Great Britain? The word groundhog was read in a British paper – the same meaning it has in crossing the Atlantic acquired a different meaning.
I wonder if the particular group of professional people can be identified who acquired the following sarcastic description:
“Those who have gone out of their minds and those who have no minds to go out of’!
I have read that parents have christened one of their children – Industry. I hope the parents are not disappointed.