Introducing Talako Therapies

Tracy Dixon, Talako Therapies

As I sit in my garden typing this little introduction as a newbie to Kibworth, there is a rare glow of something in the sky that I am reliably informed is the sun! I am hoping that by the time this goes to print, we are seeing more of it! Usually by now I would be seeing lots of patients with gardening injuries, as people spend many hours carrying out actions and movements, such as digging, weeding, and mowing, that differ greatly to those carried out during the rest of the year – unless they are a gardener by trade! But as yet, we haven’t quite had the weather for it. I’m sure it’s coming…

So, who are my patients and what do I do? Well, my name is Tracy and I have been a chiropractor for over 25 years (eeek, am I really that old?!). It all began when I was around seven years old when I was swung out of a hammock and hurt my back. My forward-thinking parents took me to their chiropractor and the rest, as they say, is history!

I have been treating patients from all walks of life in Northamptonshire for the past 22 years, but very recently I moved to Kibworth, where I look after my patients from my dedicated treatment room at home (Talako Therapies). Chiropractors are most known for treating spine problems, such as neck and back pain, but we are trained in treating disorders of the joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves in the whole body. When someone comes to see me, I look at them as a whole person, so as well as chiropractic treatment, I might also look into nutrition and where deficiencies might be perpetuating the symptoms, mental wellbeing/stress/anxiety, and exercise prescriptions.

I am also a recognised distributor of Step Flex Orthotics and often loan out insoles for those
patients who were unaware that dropped arches were the cause of their repetitive knee, hip or back pain!
As a new resident of Kibworth, I was very impressed with the Chronicle when it first landed on my doorstep, and I would love to write short, informative articles on topics people might like to read, all entitled ‘How to…’, such as ‘How to Avoid Gardening Injuries’. If you have any ideas of topics that you would like covered, please feel free to drop me a message. Also, look out for my advert in this edition for 20% off your first appointment as a reader of the Chronicle.

Dr Tracy Dixon DC CST
07870 645076