Kibworth CE Primary School

Year 4 performed their production of ‘Splash!’ in the final week of the spring term at Kibworth CE Primary School. What a performance it was! The Year Four team are incredibly proud of all the children, who worked extremely hard both on and off stage. In just a few weeks, they managed to produce an amazing show and dazzle the audience at three packed out showings.
The children took each stage of the production seriously. From auditioning in front of their peers, to learning songs and lines. Some pupils were even brave enough to perform solo singing parts. They collaborated well with Year Three, who became the choir. All children ‘let their lights shine,’ whilst demonstrating the school Christian values of resilience, enthusiasm, confidence and joy in abundance.
We would like to thank all those who helped the children to rehearse at home. All their hard work and dedication really paid off. Watch this space for next year’s production!
Year Five children visit St Wilfrid’s Church
In the lead up to the Easter holidays, Year Five spent the morning at St Wilfrid’s Church for ‘The Road to Calvary.’ Rotating around different stations, the children met various characters who all shared their important role in the Easter story. From the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerusalem, to Judas who shared how he felt betraying Jesus. We were really thrilled that the children got to experience this. We would like to thank all at the church for involving us in this. Please see the Easter pictures below.
Year Five watch Kibworth Mead Academy perform ‘Sister Act!’
In the same week, Year Five were also invited to watch Kibworth Mead Academy’s performance of ‘Sister Act Jnr’, which was fantastic! The children loved watching the play, singing along with some of the songs and seeing some old friends and very familiar faces. Thank you so much for the invitation Kibworth Mead. The children really did have an amazing afternoon and we think you all did brilliantly!
Danielle Marks (Deputy Headteacher)
Easter pictures