World Day of Prayer

On a very showery grey day, for an hour in the afternoon the sun shone brightly through the stained glass window of Kibworth Methodist Chapel. The chapel was full with about 75 people present on St David’s Day for the World Day of Prayer.

The service was led by Teresa Jackson, associate minister at St Wilfrid’s Church. Ably assisted by Kathy Lazell, Jacqui Shorley, Sandra Whittington, Barbara Pickering, Jill Player, Barbara Whitting. As well as The Rev Kim Ford, who is the priest in charge at Great Glen, Burton Overy and Carlton Curlieu.

Poignantly the service was written by the women of Palestine before the current conflict.

During the service we heard three powerful stories from Christian women in Palestine.

We all said prayers of peace for all people around the world. The service was followed by tea and coffee with lots of cake and chat!

For more on the World Day of Prayer, please click here.