The Well starts with Lent

As Easter approaches it is timely to remember that Easter is preceded by the period of Lent, a time which played a major part in the establishment of The Well. In 2006 Christians in Kibworth felt called to pray continuously during Lent. They were given a small room in the Grammar School Hall (now known as Kibworth Community Hub) and set up a rota to ensure that prayer continued day and night for the 40 days of Lent. Many people in the wider community took their turn in manning the prayer room where they enjoyed an hour of quiet, and gradually people began writing notes asking for prayer for various situations, including for their family and friends. At the end of Lent there was a real feeling that this temporary prayer space should be replaced by something permanent. This led to two couples buying 45 High Street to become The Well offering not only a room for space, quiet and prayer, but a pre-loved clothing shop and also a café where people could find companionship. And eventually, due to Covid, the foodbank. The Well is a Christian charity but it aims to welcome people of all faiths and none.
When I left school at 17 my mother suggested I should go and help with the Brownies and there I discovered the joys and rewards of volunteering and serving others. Apart from two managers The Well is staffed entirely by people who enjoy the benefits of serving people and the pleasure of being part of a team. There is still a prayer room at The Well and a Prayer Request box for public use; these requests are prayed for weekly and are often anonymous. So if you need a quiet space for a short while please ask if the Sanctuary (prayer room) is free and available.
As trustees of this valued charity we are immensely grateful for the support we receive from the community both in terms of finance and volunteering. If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be part of the team do come and have a word with Andy Wright (Operations Manager) or Nicky (Café Manager) and perhaps do a shift or two on a trial basis to see if this sort of service is for you. Often prospective volunteers are invited to try working in all three operations to see which fits best.
Mary Ireland (Trustee)